Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sketching Textures

36 Describing Words....
Solid, Random, Prickly, Permeable,
Crumbly, Raw, Agile, Eroding,
Reinforced, Compact, Grainy,
Shrunken, Dented, Smooth,
Repetitious, Sedimentary,
Fibrous, Tinted, Obscure,
Spongy, Repetitious, Dusty,
Tangible, Coarse, Undisturbed,
Gritty, Granular, Therapeutic,
Curvaceous, Rusty, Complex,
Hairy, Segmantary, Waving,
Fragile, Transparent

Monday, March 8, 2010


Updated version of Idea Two

The stairs that descend from Patricia Piccinni work space to one of the galleries are about a 1.3m wide. The are wide enough to allow her smaller pieces of work to be carried down. The piece that I have chosen is only 23cm x 14.5cm x 19cm. So there is plenty of space. I have also thought about her work space. Upstairs there is a computer desk for her to do her digital work and there is also a sink with a large metal desk for her to work with the plaster and other materials she uses.

The stairs down up from Swallow's work space are large wooden steps. They are uneven in the shape and width. The stairs have a raw, carved effect, yet are smooth and not splintery! There is enough space to get his work up to his gallarie. The piece I have chosen is 20cm x 20cm x 20cm. I have also taken into account his larger work that will fill up his gallarie.

This is a short movie that I have chosen to post here to demonstrate some of the materials that will be used in my Idea Two for P.Piccinini's and R.Swallow's work spaces and galleries.
I created this animation in ArchiCAD in 2009. It is of Norton Street Cinemas in Leichhardt, Sydney. There is a lot of raw materials such as concrete, steels and metal. These materials will all be present in my sketchup model.

Updated Idea One

-Thick, uneven, glass stair with aluminium or copper cylinder piping for a balustrade effect...
-Strong, deliberate lines create a box effect for the gallery area.
-Natural light comes through the ceiling/floor window.

Idea Two

Evolution-Above Beautiful-Below

VERY beginning of this scheme... A lot to work on. Trying to follow the basic shape of the original section from my little black book...

Idea One
Death- Above Skull-Below


A) Patricia Piccinini
Skull, Progression/Evolution, Smooth

B) Ricky Swallow

Life/Death, Growing, Beautiful

C) Richard Goodwin

Life, Growing, Beautiful Corpse, Statuesque, Metal

A) My best pieces of creative work before attending university:

I drafted up these two images on ArchiCAD in 09 for a project that I had for TAFE. This building is the Norton Street Cinemas in Leichhardt designed by TZG Architects. It was originally a portal frame warehouse that they converted and once again, TZG are in the midst of redesigning it to add another cinema.

B) A great Piece of architecture

Architects: Nieto Sobenjano Architects
I love the juxtaposition of history verses newer age. It comes together to create a masterpiece. The materials used are stunning (sandstone, glass, copper etc). The ageing of the copper adds an artistic edge that I love therefore, I believe that this building is great.

C) Something beautiful:

Artist: Iki Haangan

I have chosen to take a photo of this beautiful piece of artwork.
I find an innocent beauty in broken souls.
Her tears draw me in along with the empty look in her eyes. The bleeding roses add imperfection. And to me, imperfection is also beautiful.